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Monday, May 8, 2017

Baby Wish List - First Purchases

Well hello there friends. It's been a while! Yes, I am still pregnant, and yes I am still on bedrest. You'd think with all of this extra time i've had, id be able to do more blog posts. Well, I guess that is not the case for me. I mean, when you're lounging around in sweats and no makeup all day, it doesn't exactly give you much motivation to write about fashion. So, i've decided since my mind is on all things baby lately, ill share with you some of my must have baby items. These are the items I have decided to get first, because they are the most expensive or just a must have in my opinion. Maybe any of you expecting moms out there will appreciate this as much as I would.

 It has now been almost 5 years since I've purchased any baby items, and wow have things changed! Everything is so techy and all organic. It makes buying things for the baby so much more fun, but also a little more stressful. I've asked all my close friends what their favorites are, and have read at least 500 reviews, and these seem to be my favorites so far. I'll go through and list why, and give recommendations of other options as well.

1. Strollers - For me a stroller was first on my list. Strollers seem to be one of the most expensive items you'll purchase for the baby, so I decided to get that out of the way first. For me already having two kids, and one on the way- I need a double stroller. I've owned the Baby Jogger City Select for about 4 years now, and still love it. Its an amazing single stroller, and also converts to a double. I love how versatile it is, and that you can face the kids so many different ways. Plus, it rides like a dream and has tons of storage space. The downside? I absolutely hate how big it folds down. The good news is that there is now a brand new version: The City Select Lux. It folds down 30% smaller, has a new sleek design and better fabric, and a new breaking system. I've also done a lot of research on the Silver Cross Wave double stroller. The reviews are similar to the City Select double, so if you're looking for another option; you might want to try this.

If you're looking for a single stroller, I've had my eye on this Stokke Xplory stroller for a while now. Not only is the design classy and sleek, but the reviews are pretty amazing too. It has multiple parent and forward facing seat positions, plus raises your baby higher for increased eye contact and connection. 

2. Diaper Bag - For me choosing a diaper bag was a no brainer. Time and time again i've heard that Fawn Design is the best of the best. Its virtually child proof, doesn't stain, has tons of compartment space, and the design is pretty darn cute. I just got mine in the mail last week, and already can't wait to use it!

3. Swaddles - Im all about organic muslin swaddles, and there are so many options available these days. I thought this print was too cute, and have heard great things about this brand. They are supposedly much softer that aden and anais swaddles.

4. Bassinet - Okay, i've done a lot of research on this, and I have two options I'd like to share. First is the Halo Bassinest swivel sleeper. This option is less pricey, and is super functional. I love that it has a 360-degree swivel and adjustable height, making it perfect for middle of the night feedings etc. Second is the Happiest Baby Snoo Sleeper. You guys, it sounds AMAZING!!! Only problem is that its a pretty penny. Depends how much you appreciate a good nights sleep, so for me it is well worth the price tag.  Listen up because this bad boy sounds too good to be true, and the reviews are pretty outstanding. When your baby starts to fuss, it softly sways your baby back to sleep and plays white noise. It also has a built in protective swaddle to keep your baby safe. It also has dual mesh walls for comfort and breathability. I mean, where was this when my boys were babies?

5. Baby Swings - There are a lot of great options out there, but I've heard way too many good things about the 4moms momaroo to ignore it. I actually bought one for my sister in law who just had her first baby, and she said her baby boy absolutely loves it. Instead of just swinging your baby back and forth, it mimics the way a mother would rock and cradle her baby- and I'm all about that!

6. Baby Monitors - When it comes to baby monitors, I wanted something that would not only allow me to keep an eye on my baby while he or she slept, but would also alert me if my baby stopped breathing. As a mom of two NICU babies- this is huge for me. The Angel Care Monitor is the perfect option for both.

7. Docking Station - I knew id want the DockATot even before we found out we were pregnant. Its perfect if you want to co-sleep some nights, but worry about the safety of your baby. The raised bumper is breathable and hypoallergenic, and the design makes it extra versatile. It's perfect for lounge, play, rest, tummy, or cuddle time; and is super lightweight for easy travel.

8. Baby Seat - Sometimes I like to have something I can easily take with me anywhere, and let the baby sleep comfortably next to me.  I normally use a baby bouncer for this, but I don't necessarily love having to bounce the baby with my foot while trying to multi task doing something else. This Nuna Leaf Curv seems like a great option that seems to do the work for you. With just once gentle push, it maintains motion for a good two minutes. Pretty cool if you ask me!


Monday, April 17, 2017

Pink Lace Dress with Rachel Parcell Spring Collection

Rachel Parcell Clothing

Oh April, how I love this month. The beautiful blooming trees, sunshine, and the ever so waited anticipation of Summer. These past few days have been absolutely gorgeous here in NJ. Just yesterday I was looking out the window and pulled my husband over, every tree in our neighborhood is in full bloom, and looking out our living room window you could see the pinks, whites, yellows, blues, and purples. It is simply magical, and something I hope to never take for granted. 


Sunday, April 16, 2017

Prince of Peace

Happy Easter everyone! Let me tell you, this post has been a long time coming. What I originally wanted to do for this post was share some family photos and explain what Easter Sunday means to our family. I wanted to share with you one of the 8 principles of peace, and how one in particular seemed to be more relevant in my life, as it is something I have to continually strive for every single day. After whats been going on the past week or so, it just didn't feel right sharing what I had originally planned and the story I had to go along with it.

As some of you know, this week we had some pretty bad scares and some bad news about my pregnancy. It's been a rough week for our family; so many tears and so much fear of the unknown. This trial has brought us to our knees, and ultimately tested our faith. Since we received the bad news, I've been really down in the dumps. Thats not like me, I'm more of a glass half full type of girl. This particular trial however, is something I have now experienced three times. As some of you know, I had both of my boys at 27 weeks gestation. It is something i've had to accept and try to move past, as my body just can't seem to keep babies past this week. After Beckham was born, we swore up and down he was our last. His birth and NICU stay was very traumatic, and it's not something I share too often because it was a very heart breaking time in our life. Even so, as the years past we kept feeling like we were meant to have one more. It started the day we attended the temple for my sister in laws wedding, and we both tried to ignore it; saying there was no way we could handle that again. Another year past, and it started happening more frequently. After a good four years, we both knew it was time. As scary as that was, we couldn't ignore the fact that we both strongly felt there was a little spirit who was anxiously waiting to meet our family.

The day we found out we were pregnant was surreal (and scary), but we both had such high hopes. We started talking to specialists even before I became pregnant, and had done everything we possibly could to ensure that this little one would make it to full term. Countless doctor appointments, preventative medicines, bed rest, etc. After some pretty scary complications this past week, and some really bad news about the babies brain; it feels as though i'm experiencing the horror all over again. I've had to rely on Faith, that sometimes things are just not in my control; and I need to trust that our Heavenly Father will take care of us and especially the precious angel I am so grateful to be carrying. 


This is something I have to work on every single day, it is something I have to continually rely on and know that sometimes after all is said and done, I need to trust that my Heavenly Father loves me and wants whats best for me. Sometimes I just have to rely on him and ask him to lift my burden and take on the weight of something that is impossibly hard for me to handle. I honestly hate the saying, "God will never give you a trial that is too hard to handle." I don't believe that in the slightest. I do believe however, that we WILL have trials that are too hard to handle, but he promises to help lift our burden and help us through if we let him. If we have faith in him. These trials are meant to mold and shape us into who he wants and needs us to be. To bring us closer to him, to make us better people, to serve others, to be more compassionate and understanding, and to be a beacon of hope to others who later might go through this same trial.

 Now here I am, on Easter Sunday (my favorite Sunday of the entire year); on bedrest while my husband and boys are at church without me.  It's been a rough few months full of ups and downs, but somehow I feel nothing but love.  Love for this little one growing inside me, love for my husband for being a super human and taking on all of my regular mom duties along with his own, and for my two sweet boys who bring me so much joy and happiness. More than I ever thought imaginable. With all of the unknowns in life, I know one thing for sure. God knows our name, he knows our hearts, and he will always be there to lift us up if we let him. I have faith that no matter what the outcome of our current circumstance, everything will be okay. Why? Because Heavenly Father will help us through it.

I know without a doubt, with every fiber of my being, that Christ lives. I know that God sent his only son to die for us. I know that because he suffered for us, he knows exactly what we are going through. He knows every pain, every sorrow, he knows our hearts and he knows our names. I have faith in the Lord Jesus Christ, and I love him. In this world full of doubt, let this Sunday be a reminder to us all that we are loved and cared for. “In our hour of deepest sorrow, we can receive profound peace from the words of the angel that first Easter morning: ‘He is not here: for he is risen."President Thomas S. Monson

Do you, or do you know someone who exemplifies one of the 8 principles of peace? Id love to hear your stories, and encourage you to share them on social media using the hashtag #PrinceOfPeace. Visit to learn more.

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